Shailene Woodley, ‘Divergent’ Learns To Live With Scoliosis
Shailene Woodley was diagnosed with scoliosis when she was 15 years of age. What her fans may not know is that she just wrapped up two years of wearing a chest-to-hips plastic braces. Her advice for those newly diagnosed with scoliosis? “There’s no cure, but the only thing they sort of know works is the […]
Fashion Rescue
Dear Fashion Rescue friend, My name is Moira Lion, and 1 am 15 years oId, a sophomore at Saint Francis High School in Mountain View. I have scoliosis and have to wear a back brace. I first learned that I had to wear a brace at the very beginning of my freshman year of high […]
OandP Bracing Study
Study Concludes Bracing for AIS Is Beneficial Content provided by The O&P EDGE September 19, 2013 Bracing in adolescents with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) reduces the likelihood that the condition will progress to the point that surgery is needed, according to a study published online September 19 in the New England Journal of Medicine. The […]
New England Journal of Medicine Study
Effects of Bracing in Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis BACKGROUND The role of bracing in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis who are at risk for curve progression and eventual surgery is controversial. METHODS We conducted a multicenter study that included patients with typical indications for bracing due to their age, skeletal immaturity, and degree of scoliosis. […]
External Links
Curvy Girls
Got Scoliosis? You’re not alone!
Curvy Girls got your back!
Founded 2006 by Leah Stoltz

website flyer
Scoliosis Research Society
Founded in 1966, the Milwaukee-based Scoliosis Research Society is the premier international society aimed at fostering optimal care for all patients with spinal deformities. website
Orten is a company of R&D in computer science created on 1996 by Groupe Lecante, Exclusively for the orthopedic field.
Over 27 years ago, Vorum became the first company dedicated to the development of computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) solutions for the design and fabrication of custom orthotic and prosthetic (O&P) devices.